A lot of clients ask us if a home warranty is really worth it. They’ve heard all the stories about how difficult it is to actually have something replaced and figure it’s not worth the hassle. Our answer is it depends on your situation. If you’ve just built a brand new house it’s probably not something you need. But if your home, appliances, or major mechanical components are more than 10 years old then we would say you should definitely have it.
Our personal home is 11 years old and in the last three years we have replaced an exterior HVAC unit, our refrigerator, and a dishwasher. As I write this post there are three plumbers in my basement installing a new hot water heater. I can promise you we would have rather spent the $1500 for three years worth of home warranties than the $10,000 we’ve had to shell out so far. With another 11 year old HVAC unit as well as the two inside systems we’ve learned our lesson. It’s time to take advantage of the same home warranty we offer all of our buyers.
The good news is we have been thinking about painting the basement and putting in some new carpet for a little while now. It wasn’t exactly in the plan for September but then when does life go according to plan?