2013 was my first full year behind the wheel at LoCoMusings and I managed to keep it between the ditches. Thanks to Rob & Meghan, John & Pam, Kristie, Alex & Theresa, Mike, Rich & Tracey, and many others for help making it a successful year for me.
Here were the top five stories from 2013 according to you (makes me think I should consider a side job as a food critic!):
- IJ CANNS Comes to Purcellville: They had a few hiccups and opened a little later than scheduled, but things seem to be going smoothly. We’ve yet to actually have a meal here, but we are looking forward to a little live entertainment close by.
- Coney Island Diner Opens in Purcellville: Another anticipated opening in Purcellville, I had breakfast here the first week it was open. It’s gotten mixed reviews but I see a steady flow of business.
- LoCo’s Most Expensive Homes Sold in 2012: One of our most popular posts every year, this one got picked up by the Washington Post Real Estate section. We’ll be putting up 2013’s version on Saturday.
- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema at One Loudoun: This one might have been the most fun to write. I got a hard hat tour with the owners and experienced opening night with my son. We liked it so much, I took six 11 year old girls there to see Catching Fire for a birthday party (that was an interesting car ride!).
- 6 Tips For Buying An Older Home: Heather grew up in a couple of old homes and watched her parents go through this process. Fixing up an older home is a great way for do-it-yourselfers to earn some equity and trade up to the next one.
Thanks again to everyone who made 2013 a great year, and here’s looking forward to an even better 2014.
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A look back at the top five most read stories on Musings from 2013 http://t.co/7ySn2iAPTn
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RT @LoCoMusings: A look back at the top five most read stories on Musings from 2013 http://t.co/Btli1chFzJ